Contact information and feedback
The head office of Helsinki City Construction Services, Stara, is located at Ilmalantori 1 in Ilmala, Helsinki. We have several offices around Helsinki.
P.O. Box 1660
00099 City of Helsinki
City of Helsinki switchboard: +358 (0)9 310 17000
City of Helsinki telephone directory
, email address format firstname.lastname(at)
Our email address format is firstname.lastname(at)
Chief Executive Officer Timo Martiskainen
Tel. +358 (0)40 049 7584
Head of Communications Janne Saavalainen
Tel. +358 (0)40 139 3130
Media service, Communications Specialist Anna-Leena Pyykönen
Tel. +358 (0)40 757 9029
Find out about Stara’s communications channels and publications in Finnish >>
City Engineering, Construction
Unit Director Rainer Sirén
Tel. +358 (0)40 540 3171
City Infrastructure, Maintenance
Unit Director Samipetteri Mäkinen
Tel. +358 (0)50 380 1025
Construction Engineering
Unit Director Kari Haapaniemi
Tel. +358 (0)50 380 1022
Environmental Management
Unit Director Antti Rautiainen
Tel. +358 (0)40 334 8523
Unit Director Sami Aherva
Tel. +358 (0)50 559 1929
Unit Director Ilpo Laitinen
Tel. +358 (0)40 154 9690
Invoices can be sent to Stara as e-invoices or by email or post. The invoice’s attachments must always be sent with the invoice.
Intermediator code: BAWCFI22
Units’ EDI codes
0037020125667618 Administration and Environmental Management
0037020125667623 Construction Engineering
0037020125667625 Logistics
0037020125667658 City Engineering, Maintenance
0037020125667659 City Engineering, Construction
You can also send e-invoices to Stara free of charge via Basware’s Supplier Portal here.
Invoice by email
Enter the number sequence 9000 at the start of the email subject field. This identifies the invoice as belonging to Stara.
Invoice by post
City of Helsinki, Stara
Ostolaskut / name of unit
P.O. Box 1675
00099 City of Helsinki
Stara arranges the sale of equipment removed from the City of Helsinki’s use. The auction documents are published twice a year, in the spring and autumn. In addition to this, we may publish supplementary material to open calls for bids published on the HILMA public procurement portal.
Calls for bids (only in Finnish)
This accessibility statement applies to the website of Helsinki City Construction Services, Stara. The City of Helsinki’s instructions and methods have been applied in the assessment of accessibility.
Accessibility statement (only in Finnish)